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    Cooling the cities – Rafraîchir les villes

ISBN: 9782911762543
UGS : 9782911762543 Catégorie :

Cooling the cities – Rafraîchir les villes

par : Jérôme Adnot, Servando Alvarez, N. Klitsikas, M. Orphelin, F. Sanchez, et Mattheos Santamouris

The power consumption due to air-conditioning of buildings becomes particularly significant in an urban environment because the temperature of the air of […]

55.00 €

A propos de l'auteur
    Jérôme Adnot est professeur à MINES ParisTech, docteur-ingénieur et docteur ès sciences. Il fait partie du groupe de recherche « Maitrise de la Demande d’Énergie » du CEP.  Il est responsable de l’option « Machines et Énergie » du cycle Ingénieur de MINES ParisTech. Il a créé, avec d’autres, une École d’ingénieurs en formation continue pour les métiers de l’énergie « Isupfere ». Il est coorganisateur des masters ParisTech Renault « Transports et développement durable » et «Véhicules électriques », qui ont permis le développement de certains concepts originaux de mobilité. contact: jerome.adnot@mines-paristech.fr
    A propos de l'auteur
      Catedrático de Universidad (Sevilla) Area de Conocimiento: Máquinas y Motores Térmicos Departamento: INGENIERÍA ENERGÉTICA Ubicación Centro(s): ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIERÍA Higher Technical School of EngineeringCorreo electrónico personal: salvarez@us.es Asignaturas: Transmisión de Calor Generación de Energía Térmica Energías Renovables Proyecto Fin de Carrera Heat Transfer Thermal Energy Generation Renewable Energy Final project
      Les ouvrages de Servando Alvarez
      A propos de l'auteur
      Les ouvrages de N. Klitsikas
      A propos de l'auteur
      Les ouvrages de M. Orphelin
      A propos de l'auteur
      Les ouvrages de F. Sanchez
      A propos de l'auteur
        Professeur à l'Université de New South Wales, Australie.
        Les ouvrages de Mattheos Santamouris

        The power consumption due to air-conditioning of buildings becomes particularly significant in an urban environment because the temperature of the air of dense urban districts is higher than in the suburbs. This phenomenon, as well as the increase in the standards of living and other factors namely heatwaves, contribute to the growth of the traditionally low demand for artificial air-conditioning in Europe.

        Case studies make it possible to measure the heat island effect (the accumulation of heat in cities), to characterize the additional electricity consumption of the buildings in an urban environment, and to give an overall picture of the practices, techniques and materials, which can help to cool the cities. Priority is given to the practices which avoid the need for artificial air-conditioning by taking into account the environment, the use of vegetation and «cool» materials for the construction of pavements and buildings. For the remaining needs for air-conditioning, the present systems of air-conditioning can also become more energy efficient.
        Case studies conducted in Seville made it possible to measure the dispersion of the needs for air-conditioning around their average value for the various zones of the city. One of the case studies evaluates the benefit associated with the systematic plantation of trees and other plants in Athens.

        Another case study relates to Paris and estimates the importance of centralized solutions for air-conditioning in an urban environment.

        This book results from a study launched by the European Commission and is written by authors from three European countries very concerned by heatwaves and their effects downtown: Greece (Athens), Spain (Seville) and France (Paris). All of them are professors or researchers in very high-level laboratories (Group Building Environmental Studies in Athens University, Energetic Laboratory in Ecole des Mines de Paris and in Seville University)

        Ce livre contient un résumé des principaux résultats en français. La majorité des développements techniques sont présentés en anglais

        Informations techniques

        ISBN: 9782911762543
        SKU: 9782911762543
        Editeur: Presses des Mines
        Date de publication: 2004/06
        Nombre de pages: 280




        “Cooling the cities – Rafraîchir les villes”

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