Le canal de Göta. Projet technique et pouvoirs en Europe du Nord (1790-1832)
Le 10 novembre 2022 | 0 Commentaires

La revue Technology and Culture a oublié un article sur le livre Le canal de Göta. Projet technique et pouvoirs en Europe du Nord (1790-1832) de Thomas Gauchet par Björn Hasselgren.

“Large transportation infrastructure projects are not only long term and costly, but the grander the scale, the more compli- cated and entangled projects tend to become, often high- lighting the balance between public-sector involvement and private-sector engagement, and with political, technological, and economic implications.

Sweden’s major transportation infrastructure undertaking in the nineteenth century before the railways, and the subject of Thomas Gauchet’s dissertation, is the Göta Canal project. The idea was grand: con- nect the North Sea and the Baltics through an inland waterway, making use of the recently opened Trollhätte Canal and connecting several lakes from west to east.”

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